Cursing Cobras

I am not sure about you, but I do not believe that cobras can talk. So the title that I aforementioned is not a true one, but, in theory, I should get partial credit, because the people that ride on the Cobra roller coaster curse while they wait for the ride to drop out of the sky and spiral around and around and upside down before finally going back to the starting point.

Wait, wait, wait…you probably don’t even know what the Cobra roller coaster is, let alone Ratango Junction. I will tell you, then, so that I know that you know what I am talking about. Ratango Junction is a theme park in Cape Town near the Canal Walk shopping center. It has lots of rides that you can get wet on or stay dry on. The one that I am going to be focusing on today is the Cobra, the one that the rest of my family was too afraid to go on.  At the beginning of the queue, there were several real live cobras in cages, and then there were a lot of people waiting in line. After waiting for an hour, the rider goes forward onto the platform and gets onto the seat and buckles up. Then the ride winches you up, up, up, and then plummets down. Then there are a lot of twists and turns and upside downs, before finally arriving back at the starting point.

That’s all for now, Folks!