Tele-Pathetic-ness on Table Mountain

We made up a new word. It is tele-pathetic. Eryn was trying to say telepathic when everything got mixed up and she ended up saying tele-pathetic. I am thinking that it means something along the lines of communicating pathetic-ness. Anyway, I should probably go on to what we did today.

We went up the first cablecar early in the morning, and then we went towards Maclaers Beacon, the tallest point on the whole of the mountain. At that point, we ate some snacks and looked out as the fog, or ‘table cloth’ started covering the mountain. Right before the tablecloth came up, though, I saw a klipspringer on the rocks below and ran to tell my father, who immediately went and took pictures. Then the tablecloth came. We went hunkered down to stay away from the wind and Eryn and I read from our books while my father rested. Then we walked back to the cablecar station and went down.

That’s all for now, Folks!